#!/bin/bash #OpenSBC Debian #/bin/sh #Install OpenSBC - CentOS edition #Copyright (C) 2010 Star2Billing S.L. #Author Jonathan Roper jonathan@star2billing.com #This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or #modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License #as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 #of the License, or (at your option) any later version. #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #GNU General Public License for more details. #You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software #Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. #================================================================================================== #This script will install OpenSBC on an existing asterisk server, and will be available on port 5061 #It will provide upwards registration, and RTP proxy services. #No configuration in Asterisk is required. #Simply point your phone at <<IPADDR>>:5061 #If this is installed behind NAT, forward UDP 5061 and 10,000 > 20,000 #================================================================================================== apt-get update apt-get install -y mc autoconf automake cvs flex expat libexpat1-dev libtool build-essential libxml2 libxml2-dev libtiff4 libtiff4-dev libssl-dev libncurses5-dev bison libaudiofile-dev subversion libnewt-dev libcurl3-dev libnet-ssleay-perl openssl ssl-cert libauthen-pam-perl libio-pty-perl libcrypt-passwdmd5-perl libdigest-md5-perl libpg-perl libdbd-pg-perl openssl ssl-cert flex bison build-essential libxml2 libxml2-dev expat libexpat1-dev libspeex-dev speex cd /usr/src echo "================================================================================" echo "When prompted for a CVS password, just press enter" echo "================================================================================" cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@opensipstack.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/opensipstack login cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@opensipstack.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/opensipstack co -P opensipstack cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@opensipstack.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/opensipstack co -P opensbc cd /usr/src/opensipstack/ chmod +x ./configure ./configure --enable-localspeex --enable-gpllibs make bothnoshared cd ../opensbc chmod +x ./configure ./configure --enable-gpllibs make bothnoshared make distrib cp /usr/src/opensbc/distrib/* /usr/local/bin/ echo "/usr/local/bin/opensbc -d -p /var/run/opensbc.pid -H 65536 -C 1024000" > /usr/local/bin/startup.sh echo "/usr/local/bin/opensbc -u root -k -p /var/run/opensbc.pid" > /usr/local/bin/shutdown.sh echo "/usr/local/bin/startup.sh" >> /etc/rc.local mkdir /root/OpenSIPStack mkdir /root/OpenSIPStack/OpenSBC_data echo " [OpenSBC-General-Parameters] SIP-Log-Level=1 PTRACE-Log-Level=1 Log-File-Prefix=b2bua SBC-Application-Mode=B2BUpperReg Mode Enable-Trunk-Port=True Enable-Calea-Port=True RTP-Min-Port=10000 RTP-Max-Port=20000 NAT-Keep-Alive-Interval=15 Send-OPTIONS-NAT-Keep-Alive=True Send-Responses-Using-New-Socket=False Enable-Local-Refer=False Disable-Refer-Optimization=True Max-Forwards=70 Encryption-Mode=XOR Encryption-Key=GS Alerting-Timeout=30000 Seize-Timeout=60000 SIP-Timer-B=Default SIP-Timer-H=Default Session-Keep-Alive=1800 Session-Max-Life-Span=10800 Max-Concurrent-Session=100 Max-Call-Rate-Per-Second=10 [SIP-Transports] Main-Interface-Address Array Size=1 Main-Interface-Address 1=sip:*:5061 Backdoor-Interface-Address=sip:*:5062 Trunk-Interface-Address=sip:*:5064 Media-Server-Interface-Address=sip:*:5066 CALEA-Interface-Address=sip:*:5068 Auxiliary-Interface-Address=sip:*:5070 Interface-Route-List Array Size=0 [RTP-Proxy] Proxy-On-Private-Contact=True Proxy-On-via-received-vs-signaling-address=True Proxy-On-Private-Via=True Proxy-On-Different-RPORT=True Proxy-All-Media=False [Trusted-Domains] Accept-All-Calls=True Trusted-Domain-List Array Size=0 X-Remote-Info-List Array Size=0 [Host-Access-List] Trust-All-Hosts=True Trusted-Host-List Array Size=0 Enable-Selective-Banning=True Banned-Host-List Array Size=0 [Upper-Registration] All-Reg-As-Upper-Reg=True Enable-Stateful-Reg=False Rewrite-TO-Domain=True Rewrite-FROM-Domain=True Route-List Array Size=1 Route-List 1=[sip:*] sip: [B2BUA-Routes] Route-List Array Size=1 Route-List 1=[sip:*] sip: Insert-Route-Header=True Rewrite-TO-URI=True Prepend-ISUP-OLI=False Route-By-Request-URI=False Route-By-To-URI=False Drop-Routes-On-Ping-Timeout=False Use-External-XML=False External-XML-File=b2bua-route.xml " > /root/OpenSIPStack/OpenSBC_data/OpenSBC.ini echo "================================================================================" echo "The web interface for this is on <<ipaddress>:9999" echo "By default it has no password on it" echo "After reboot, please go to the website and configure a username and password" echo "================================================================================" echo "Please reboot" echo "================================================================================" echo " 1. This is where we create the DNS entries for the internal IP addresses, this not compulsory, but it does make admin easier. So assuming you have pbx.yourdomain.com on, Create a DNS entry on your DNS server for pbx.yourdomain.com = Now add the internal DNS mapping with [sip:pbx.yourdomain.com] sip: Click the update button. Repeat as necessary for all PBX systems. 2. Next we need to deal with the registration aspect, so that when you create an extension on a PBX, OpenSBC checks to see that it is valid. Edit Route list, and add entries for each of your PBX systems. [sip:*@pbx.yourdomain.com:*] sip:pbx.yourdomain.com:5060 or if you have not bothered with Step one - [sip:*@pbx.yourdomain.com:*] sip: Then click the update button So registrations that are sent to pbx.yourdomain.com will be forwarded to the internal PBX, and if the username and password is correct, OpenSBC will allow the endpoint to register. Note that the endpoint must be configured with the hostname, e.g. pbx.yourdomain.com, NOT Repeat as necessary for all PBX systems. 3. This is how the call is actually routed when someone picks up the phone and makes a call. The syntax here is the same as in step 2 for upper registration, e.g.Edit Route list, and add entries for each of your PBX systems. [sip:*@pbx.yourdomain.com:*] sip:pbx.yourdomain.com:5060 or if you have not bothered with Step one - [sip:*@pbx.yourdomain.com:*] sip: Then click the update button. 4. Register your endpoint Now attempt to register a phone to your extension@pbx.yourdomain.com and make a call. 5. DID forwarding To forward DID to your systems from your DID provider or A2Billing system, simply forward the DID to sip/DID-Number@pbx.yourdomain.com Please test and test again, particularly in respect of MWI lights, extension to extension calls and check that it does what you need it do. " > /root/OpenSIPStack/README